Disadvantage pucks occur when a team commits a foul that is called against them by a referee. This is signaled by the referee extending their arm with their hand flat towards the team, as if they are pushing the team back. When a disadvantage puck is called against a team, they will have to set up three meters back from the puck. The team must watch the water referees who will set up a line at the three meter mark and stay on the opposite side of that line from the puck until the buzzer has sounded and the other team has touched the puck.
Demo video coming soon!
Fouls can be called anywhere in the pool and disadvantage pucks can be set up anywhere within the five and two meter box in the playing area. This box includes all of the playing area except everything two meters or less from the side walls and five meters or less from the end walls. If the foul was committed inside the five and two box the puck will be set where the foul occurred. If the foul was committed ousted of the five and two box, the puck will be moved to the closest point on the edge of that box.
The black team has the disadvantage.