An equal puck is called when a referee calls a foul against both teams. Referees will signal an equal puck by crossing their forearms into an “X” shape. The referees will set up on either side of the puck so that if a line were drawn between them, it would go directly across the puck. Each team must stay on their respective sides of that line. Players must keep the top of their heads above the surface of the water until the buzzer sounds. One player from each team will race to the puck to try to get it first, most commonly using a fins-first dive.
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Fouls can be called anywhere in the pool and equal pucks can be set up anywhere within the five and two meter box in the playing area. This box includes all of the playing area except everything two meters or less from the side walls and five meters or less from the end walls. If the foul was committed inside the five and two box the puck will be set where the foul occurred. If the foul was committed ousted of the five and two box, the puck will be moved to the closest point on the edge of that box.
This is an equal puck. Both teams stay on the surface until the buzzer sounds, then play continues as normal.