A penalty shot is called if a referee calls a foul that they believe prevented a team from scoring a goal. If they are quite certain that the goal would have been scored if the foul had not be committed they may call a penalty goal. If they are not certain that it would have gone into the goal they will call a penalty shot.
The signal referees will show for a penalty shot is the upward and downward pumping of a closed fist. For a penalty goal the same motion will be done along with the signal for a goal (two arms extended straight upwards).
When a penalty shot is called, one defender and two attackers stay at the goal. All other players must go into their sub box. The puck will be placed on the penalty spot, which is three meters straight out from the center of the goal. The two attacking players will begin on the surface behind the puck. Once the buzzer sounds, they can dive down and must touch the puck within five seconds. If they fail to touch the puck within five seconds the penalty shot will be considered successfully defended. The defending player must have one hand touching the end wall until the attackers have touched the puck. They may dive whenever they would like to.
If the attackers get the puck into the goal, they are awarded the goal. If the puck gets outside of the six meter circle around the goal, the penalty shot has been successfully defended. If the attacking players commit any fouls, they penalty shot will also be counted as successfully defended. If the defender commits a foul, then a goal is awarded to the attacking players.
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Penalty shots can only be called if the foul occurred within the three meter circle around the goal. It is up to the referees to determine if the foul could have prevented the goal from being scored.
In this penalty shot the black team is attacking.
In this example, the referee can be seen calling the penalty shot. It is in favor of the black team.
This penalty shot was successfully defended, the defender got the puck outside of the six meter circle.