Players are most effective when working with teammates. The best way to get past an opponent is to work with a teammate. One common coordinated tackle is the pinch, where one player goes on either side of an opponent, not allowing that opponent to turn in either direction. Another coordinated tackle that can be used is a back confronting an opponent and making them curl, allowing a good opportunity for a forward to back pick the opponent. Coordinated tackles can come up in any way during a game. It depends greatly on the formation and game plan of each team.
To properly coordinate tackles with each other, teammates should have a plan, and play in a way that is predictable for their teammates. Since communication is difficult underwater, teammates should know what to expect from each other ahead of time and will then be able to coordinate plays and tackles together.
Demo video coming soon!
Teams can use coordinated tackles anytime during play. As long as each teammate involved knows what the intent of the play is, they should each be able to commit and do their part of the play.
In this clip the white team does a good job of getting a player on each side of the black team player who has the puck. Both white team players get in close, taking away the options of the black team player until one of them can take the puck.