A Half Yin-Yang maneuver starts with the puck held with the hook (on the back-side of the stick) near the player's stick-hand side hip with the stick pointed towards away from their body. Using a straight arm, the puck is pushed in an arc from the player's hip and up until the puck is in front of the player's free-hand shoulder. Then the player bends their stick-arm elbow as the puck is moved down below their free-hand shoulder; then the puck is brought across to the stick-hand side shoulder, and then finally back down to the stick-hand side hip. This motion of the puck closely follows the shape of ½ of the Yin-Yang symbol.
The puck is allowed to rest against the tip of the player's thumb. However, the thumb must be pressed to the stick, it cannot be used to help capture or propel the puck, doing so is an illegal advancement of the puck foul.
Demo video coming soon!
The half Yin-Yang is a useful method of moving the puck around, and the entire motion will not always be used at once. Portions of the half- Yin-Yang can be used to hold the puck further from an opponent that is on the free hand side of the player, or can be used to quickly change direction.
If opponents are on the stick-hand side of the player then this maneuver is much harder to use because it leaves the puck exposed to those opponents.
Real life video coming soon!