There are several methods for chasing someone who has broken out from the main group of players. Deciding which method to use is often dependent on where a player is positioned when the breakaway starts.
The first method players can use is a backwards facing method in which the player is facing back towards their own goal, looking down and back towards the play. This position gives the defender a good view of the play, while also positioning them in a way that allows them to easily and effectively contain the breakaway by directing the opponent to one of the sidewalls. This position can also be a good position for stealing the puck from the opponent, such as using the toruk steal to come from above the player in the breakaway and take the puck.
Another method players can use when chasing breakaways is to chase on either side of the player flat on the bottom of the pool. This can be a good position to use tackles to steal the puck.
It is also extremely effective if two players chase a breakaway together. If one player set up on each side, as soon as they can get the opponent to curl, one of them will have easy access to the puck and can back pick the opponent.
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Players have to chase breakaways in all games. Deciding how to chase down the player that broke away (from above or from one side or the other) is largely dependent on the starting position of the player. When an opponent has a breakaway, there is no time to lose and players generally take the shortest and fastest approach to the opponent.
Players should be aware that there are going to be players that are faster than themselves, and when those players break away, it is extremely difficult to catch them. Therefore it is important for backs to position themselves so that they can stop players that break out form the crowd before they get up to full speed.
It is also important for players to be careful to not swim into the opponent while chasing them. Pushing into them and not allowing them to swim in the direction they want is an obstruction foul. Players should keep a little bit of space between themselves and the opponent to ensure they are not fouling them.
This is an excellent example of having two people chasing the breakaway. The first white player to try to get the puck didn't quite get it, but the second white player chasing got it as the black player tried to avoid the first player.
In this example the black team player attacks the white team player from above, knocking the puck loose. Notice he quickly got to the bottom once he got the puck.